Sunday, October 3, 2010

One Piece Episode 469 – Watch One Piece 469 Online

One Piece Episode 469 was aired on the same tv channel and I am sure that you couldn’t watch One Piece Episode 469 on tv and thats why you are looking for some

resources to watch One Piece Episode 469 full stream online from third party

websites like megavideo, youtube and youku. If you have internet connection with large bandwidth I can advise you to download One Piece Episode 469 via torrent or rapidshare which is the easiet and shortest way to watch One Piece Episode 469 online.If you are wondering why i didn’t added full stream video to here, here is my answer. As you know tv episodes and animes cannot be aired on other tv channels or websites unless their licence are purchased. Since we have no money to purchase One Piece Episode 469 copyrights, we can only publish a preview video as you see above. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes of One Piece Episode 470.An unleashed Hancock is one of the scariest things in this series so far.
What They Say
In the heat of the battlefield, Boa Hancock's true love blossoms in the nick of time, the shocking secret of Bartholomew Kuma's transformation is revealed, and a dark sword's blade may be all that stands between Luffy and saving Ace.
The Review!
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
One Piece rolls through the lengthy fight sequence pretty well in this episode again as there's a good number of things going on. The one that was the most exciting to see in the previous episode was to watch Hancock step out of her zone and launch herself after where Luffy is once he was getting attacked. She's got such a love for him, one that's so intense since her introduction a few arcs back, that seeing Smoker attacking him has her attacking Smoker to save her beloved. Luffy's attitude towards her is so innocent after that, especially when she gives him a key, that you can imagine her, um, exploding with joy once he wraps his entire body around her in thanks. It's so priceless, especially the reaction others have to seeing her cope with it.
Hancock and Luffy as bride and groom is priceless. And she still stands as the only woman in the series that I think really works with Luffy in a way as well where I'd actually want to see something progress there. She's got it really bad for Luffy but she has the confidence to pull it off, especially considering what it may cost her with her position, but she amusingly says she can do whatever she wants because she's beautiful. And many of the Navy men enthusiastically agree. Though the segment is pretty comical overall as it fills up the first half of the episode, it hits all the right notes to balance the more serious material playing out around it. It provided the right material to compensate for the darker moments when Luffy catches up with Ivankov who is facing off against Doflamingo and Kuma.
This piece has some revelations to it about Kuma made by Doflamingo who talks about how Kuma signed up voluntarily to become a human weapon under government direction, giving the feeling that he's nowhere near the same person he was before on a couple of different levels. Since Ivankov and Kuma have a past of sorts, it pushes Ivankov to really do what he can to try and draw it out of him while using it as a chance to give Luffy a chance to get closer to rescuing Ace. It's also an opportunity to show off other fights going on across the bay, such as Crocodile's move further in and his meeting against Doflamingo as well as the creative way that Mister Three has managed to miss some of the fight after events got a bit overwhelming for them. There's even a really nice call back to someone we haven't seen for an age as Luffy gets closer to his next fight.

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