Monday, October 4, 2010

October Surprise Terror: Terror Hysteria Recycled

October Surprise
There are a lot of searches that matches the word October Surprise Terror and of course Terror Hysteria. Checking it out would give you a meaning that leads to the

US election. We are nearing the November Election and the Terror Hysteria is sloughing by. There are a lot of Airport lobbies that are getting terror attacks in

connection with the 2007 incident in which two mental deficients set fire to a jeep outside Glasgow airport. This caused a wave of hysteria that people were really surprised with.

And now October Surprise and back and any terror could be set lose with the government getting ready for the upcoming elections. Here is a comment taking from the Infowars website on the matter of October Surprise Terror: Terror Hysteria Recycled: “Among the possible targets in the suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas in at least five major European airports, a law enforcement official told ABC News. Authorities believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando like attack featuring small units and small firearms modeled after the Mumbai attack two years ago.”

There are thoughts that there is a possible terror team ready to strike Europe or the United States. Security are held up tight to keep this from happening. Surprisingly, In the yea 2000, An italian Senate Investigation has found out that the 1980 Bologna train bombing was actually carried out by Men who were part of Italian state institutions and of United States intelligence. This could be one big surprise.

Terror Hysteria – October Surprise Terror Theory – With the election just on the horizon, many authorities are being warned that terrorists could potentially look to attack airport lobbies in an attempt to recreate the 2007 mistake in which two individuals set fire to a jeep that was outside of Glasgow airport. The event that many authorities hyped beyond recognition turned out to not be terrorists at all, but did create hysteria similar to what we are seeing now with the most recent announcement.

The announcement has been given the full court press by the establishment media, and all airports are being put on alert to look out for suspicious activity.

This has led some to speculate that the entire thing has been cooked up by the powers that be to draw more attention to national security and terrorism in time for the upcoming election season. We have seen it done before, but it does seem to be a bit weird that this would pop up in time for the election.
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