Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Michele Bundy Wants To Protect Family From Shannon Sharpe

A woman named Michele Bundy has filed a temporary restraining order against former NFL player Shannon

Sharpe. Bundy is claiming that Sharpe made threats on her life and forced her to have intimate relations with him.

Amid the scandal, Sharpe announced that he is taking a leave of absence from his position as a sports commentator for CBS. Although he has not yet been charged with a crime, a hearing has been filed for September 20th.

It is highly speculated that Michele Bundy is an ex-girlfriend of Shannon Sharpe, and she’s definitely afraid of him, seeing as she also accused him of stalking her. The restraining order forbids him from coming within 200 yards of Michele or her family and he is also not allowed to contact her at all.

Michele also has a child in her care, although it is unclear whether he/she belongs to her or not. She asked that the child also be protected under the restraining order.

A woman named Michele Bundy has filed a temporary restraining order against former NFL player Shannon Sharpe. Bundy is claiming that Sharpe made threats on her life and forced her to have intimate relations with him.

Amid the scandal, Sharpe announced that he is taking a leave of absence from his position as a sports commentator for CBS. Although he has not yet been charged with a crime, a hearing has been filed for September 20th.

It is highly speculated that Michele Bundy is an ex-girlfriend of Shannon Sharpe, and she’s definitely afraid of him, seeing as she also accused him of stalking her. The restraining order forbids him from coming within 200 yards of Michele or her family and he is also not allowed to contact her at all.

Michele also has a child in her care, although it is unclear whether he/she belongs to her or not. She asked that the child also be protected under the restraining order.

A woman named Michele Bundy has filed a temporary restraining order against former NFL player Shannon Sharpe. Bundy is claiming that Sharpe made threats on her life and forced her to have intimate relations with him.

Amid the scandal, Sharpe announced that he is taking a leave of absence from his position as a sports commentator for CBS. Although he has not yet been charged with a crime, a hearing has been filed for September 20th.

It is highly speculated that Michele Bundy is an ex-girlfriend of Shannon Sharpe, and she’s definitely afraid of him, seeing as she also accused him of stalking her. The restraining order forbids him from coming within 200 yards of Michele or her family and he is also not allowed to contact her at all.

Michele also has a child in her care, although it is unclear whether he/she belongs to her or not. She asked that the child also be protected under the restraining order.

A woman named Michele Bundy has filed a temporary restraining order against former NFL player Shannon Sharpe. Bundy is claiming that Sharpe made threats on her life and forced her to have intimate relations with him.

Amid the scandal, Sharpe announced that he is taking a leave of absence from his position as a sports commentator for CBS. Although he has not yet been charged with a crime, a hearing has been filed for September 20th.

It is highly speculated that Michele Bundy is an ex-girlfriend of Shannon Sharpe, and she’s definitely afraid of him, seeing as she also accused him of stalking her. The restraining order forbids him from coming within 200 yards of Michele or her family and he is also not allowed to contact her at all.

Michele also has a child in her care, although it is unclear whether he/she belongs to her or not. She asked that the child also be protected under the restraining order.

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