Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Punxsutawney Phil : Gone into Rehab

Punxsutawney Phil : TMZ reports that Punxsutawney Phil has gone into rehab for "exhaustion." After prognosticating on the coming of spring for more than 120 years, he needs a break. The pressure to see his shadow (six more weeks of winter) or not (an early spring) is just too much. A casting call goes out for someone to replace him. Rodent Talent Agencies mobilize and pitch their candidates.For those unaware, us red-blooded Americans enjoy celebrating a rather peculiar holiday every February 2nd: Groundhog’s Day.

It is on this day that we await the emergence of the fabled Punxsutawney Phil from his hole to alert us to the long-term outlook on winter weather. If he sees his shadow and runs in his hole, that’s six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, spring is ahead.Apparently if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow and scampers back into his hold we’re in for another six weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow and instead relishes his time in the sun, Winter is finished. Hmmmm….. I think the four feet of snow outside the door is a pretty good hint that winter is not quite done yet, but that’s just me.Punxsutawney Phil cart attribute his longevity to drinking the “elixir of life.

” Alas, they are not coming up with the recipe. But if you want to try to follow his diet, here is some recipes vegetarian family:Not to overshadow Punxsutawney Phil and their Pennsylvania neighbors, Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari tested the groundhog theory outside of the Ocean County Administration Building on the eve of Groundhog Day. If legend is correct there will be an early spring at least in Ocean County seeing how Ocean County Oscar, the plush toy groundhog held by the freeholder didn’t see his shadow.

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