Thursday, March 17, 2011

Justin Bieber Three Wax Figure Unveiled In London,NY,Amsterdam Museum,Pics & Videos

Bieber's three wax figures are being shown in New York, Amsterdam and London and feature his old haircut -- the signature swoop bang beloved by millions the world round.

The singer was on hand at the unveiling in London and tweeted, "Arrived at tussaudslondon to see my wax figure! The first time I saw a wax figure was in NYC and all we could do was look thru the glass," he wrote. "Now we are here in London and they are about to show my figure here and in amsterdam and in nyc at the one we looked thru the glass. Dreambig."

In a previous interview, Bieber talked about how excited he was to be cast in wax.

In the photos, Justin is seen putting his arm around his casually-dressed London wax figure, and standing next to it show how it measures up. Although fans in New York weren't graced by an appearance from the real JB, they still got to hang out with their own Bieber figure.

The London wax figure was one of three Bieber replicas being unveiled on Tuesday. Two others were simultaneously unveiled at Madame Tussauds museums in Amsterdam and New York.

The New York figure sports a black vest and black Balenciaga pants and was surrounded by the replicas of the Obamas, John F. Kennedy, Ghandi and Princess Diana among others.The life-like replica's not an identical match to Justin since he has changed quickly over the eight months the figure was made.

Putting that into consideration, spokeswoman for the museum, Liz Edwards, explained, "So we really wanted to make sure we made a 'moment in time' figure. But it's the hair that everyone is paying the biggest attention to. So, I'd say it's the hair that's been the biggest challenge."

"I'm honored to be getting my own wax figures," Bieber previously said about joining fellow pop stars like Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers at Madame Tussauds. "To be immortalized in wax alongside some of my idols — Michael Jackson, Prince, Beyoncé and my mentor, Usher — is incredibly exciting and very cool."

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