Denise Borino-Quinn, who unexpectedly won a role as a mafia wife on "The Sopranos" after she attended an open casting call, has died. She was 46.
The Farmer Funeral Home in Roseland, N.J., said Borino-Quinn died Wednesday after a long battle with liver cancer. Her husband, Luke Quinn Jr., had died in March.
A Roseland native who lived in Bordentown, Borino-Quinn had no acting experience when she was hired in 2000 to play Ginny Sacrimoni, the mafia wife with a weight problem. The character quickly became popular with fans and was featured in an October 2002 episode.
Borino-Quinn had attended the casting call mostly to support a childhood friend and was shocked when she was hired for the HBO show.
When she wasn't acting, Borino-Quinn worked at a New Brunswick law firm.
The 38th Annual Halloween Parade NYC 2010 has been announced for 7 PM on October 31, 2010. The normal route for this parade is the famous Sixth avenue in New York City. Anyone is able to attend and it is recommended that you do not bring a vehicle near the route and to use mass transit.
The theme changes every year and this year it has been announced that the theme is “Memento Mori”. The message or understanding behind this is “Remembrance of Death”. On hand this year will be Haitian Carnival Artist and Painter DIDIER CIVIL. Some of the most original and crazy homemade costumes are sure to make their way into the NYC parade. Many participants spend weeks preparing their outfits to debut at the parade. Police have alerted people to arrive and setup from the south and east direction. Streets west of 6th Avenue will be closed off by police
Alexandria Mills, a soft-spoken 18-year-old, was named the winner in Saturday night's contest in southern China. The tall blonde was a relative surprise winner after speculation focused on other contestants.
Second place went to Emma Wareus of Botswana, and Adriana Vasini of Venezuela came third.
The host country's own contestant, Tang Xiao, also was among the final five.
According to a brief biography on the Miss World website, Mills calls Louisville, Kentucky, her hometown, and she recently graduated from high school. She would like to become a teacher.
"I've never met a stranger and enjoy meeting new people," she says in the bio.
For the final, she was wearing a shimmering ivory-colored dress slit up the leg.
Mills takes over the title from Kaiane Aldorino of Gibraltar, who was named Miss World 2009 at a ceremony in South Africa last December.
Women from more than 100 countries participated in the contest, organizers said.
This is the 60th year of the Miss World Competition, and organizers brought back contestants from past decades to give the night a retrospective theme
Demi Lovato’s Twitter account is the big buzz this morning, after rumors started swirling that the 18-year old singer is engaged. Demi Lovato updated her Twitter status with the following tweet: “You guys….I’m engaged!!!”
Immediately, fans started wondering who the lucky guy was, and also wondered why Demi Lovato would be engaged at such a young age, and why she would announce it via Twitter!
It turns out the the Demi Lovato Twitter engagement is just a joke. She was “proposed” to by one of her fans after a concert in Columbia. Not too long after she posted that she was engaged, she must have realized that people thought she was serious, because she updated her Twitter profile again with:
“And no, I’m not really engaged to my fan. That was just a joke!”
Let’s hope it’s a few more years before we see another engagement announcement on Demi Lovato’s Twitter page!
YouTube CEO Chad Hurley plans to step down from his position and take on an advisory role, he announced at an industry event today.
The move will be a formal acknowledgment of a practical reality: The video site is already under the day-to-day control of Google veteran Salar Kamangar, and industry insiders have been speculating that Hurley would step out for more than a year. Hurley himself told TechCrunch’s Robin Wauters that he’s been a de facto advisor for the past two years.
Hurley’s departure means that all three of YouTube’s co-founders have moved on. Jawed Karim had left the company before Google acquired it for $1.65 billion in 2006, and Steve Chen left his spot as chief technology officer in the fall of 2008. No word on what Hurley’s next full-time gig will be.
UPDATE: Hurley’s official statement, released via Google tonight, reiterates what he’s already said onstage–”For the past two years, I’ve taken on more of an advisory role at YouTube as Salar Kamangar has led the company’s day-to-day operations. I will continue to serve in an advisory capacity and am excited to witness the next phase of YouTube’s growth.”
Here’s Hurley and Chen in what still may be my favorite YouTube video, shot shortly after they sold their start-up:
Erza While the battle ends with the final killer Trinity Raven, Ikaruga, is that Simon Natsu, who is unconscious, go find her. If Natsu wakes up, Simon tells him what happened and asks him to Erza to rescue her former boyfriend, Jellal! At first, Natsu refuses, but then Simon reveals a tidbit of information that sends Natsu runs to help her.
Erza Jellal reaches, and begins its attack, dressed in cloth. Jellal revealed a very powerful magician, fighting at super high speed and throwing spells there and yon. If it seems Erza going to be sacrificed, Natsu emerges spectacularly, as usual. He fights to the best of his ability, but he seems to lose! He takes a lot of punishment, the high speed attacks.
After a sacrifice made by Simon, Natsu doing something that could cost him his life. Both Erza Jellal and think he’s a little more than ridiculous, but lo and behold, it makes him a lot stronger! After a very intense fight of the Crystal Tower in the R system destroys Erza wonders whether this is the true power of a Dragon Slayer.
In the struggle for the R system, Juvia, Gray, Lucy, Wally and Millia see everything done from a rowboat. After Etherion hit, the canoe was destroyed, but Juvia was awake enough to make a bubble that floats. All of them are really worried about the outcome. And the result means and potential loss.
This is a very intense volume. It shows where Erza comes from her life before Fairy Tail. It is no wonder why they have such strong and determined person. The volume also shows how powerful Natsu can get it. This is a volume not to be missed!
Extras include: an afterword, d’Art Guild, questions and answers, and translation notes.
During the Halloween season, many kids are focused on what they will dress up as for the holiday, where they will go trick-or-treating, and how much candy they will eat.
Because of this, the week leading up to Halloween is often one of the least productive for teachers that have to deal with overly excited children. To teach children during this time of the year, many teachers could benefit by basing their lesson plans on a Halloween theme.
One of the best Halloween themed lesson plans to follow, would be to use Halloween math worksheets to help teach children their basic math principles. Halloween math worksheets can be found for free online and could help teach children of all ages
Something of an internet feeding frenzy is occurring today over a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film which allegedly captures a woman talking on a cell phone outside the premier of his feature flick The Circus. The woman can be seen entering stage left holding her hand to her face is if cupping a phone to her ear and her lips move as if she is talking.
Debates on forums are raging over many aspects and implications such as whether there is a time travel conspiracy, if time travel is possible, if there was technology available in 1928 that the government has since concealed and even a conspiracy suggesting Chaplin is otherworldly and came to Earth to show us the future.
The woman does indeed appear to be holding something and speaking but the best theory for this is that she has a toothache and is pressing her gums to alleviate the pain.
The video has been analyzed by George Clarke, a young movie fan who spent a year trying to make sense of the images. Perhaps Mr. Clarke has too much time on his hands, an overactive imagination or a desire for attention.
His conclusions are a little baffling to the sane mind as he suggests that the woman is speaking into a cell phone which is ‘irrefutable proof’ that time travel is possible. The fact that you can’t see a cell phone could call that into question.
It’s very entertaining to spend time exploring conspiracies, but the conspiracy about all conspiracies is that they are designed as a distraction to keep our minds off real issues and troubles in the world such a famine, war, oil shortages, economic war and social collapse.
The debate over Chaplin’s film will no doubt rage on but for now, watch the video below and let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment.
Next up in the Marine Corps Marathon countdown series: tips and tricks for mentally preparing for miles 11 through 15, when runners start to head through Potomac Park to Hains Point, then turn around to head back into downtown DC for a loop around the National Mall.
It’s part of an ongoing series leading up to the marathon, and it’s based on a chapter from an old edition of Runner’s World’s “Guide to Running,” which advocates visualizing the race in manageable chunks during your taper to prepare to run the race in manageable chunks come race day.
Today’s exercise: Imagine congratulating yourself for finishing the long downhill through Georgetown leading up to mile 10, which means you’ve made it through the race’s two significant hills (there’s the quick, .2-mile ascent to the finish line, but we’ll worry about that later). You still feel great, though you’re working a little harder now. You’re holding your pace, and are excited about the half-marathon point near Hains Point. You’re enjoying the bucolic park and water views on Ohio Drive, and are looking forward to looping back into the city. You’ve taken in plenty of water and PowerAde, and can grab a Clif shot just before the 13 mile marker. You’re feeling calm, confident and strong.
Study the course map for more information.
Check out visualization techniques for miles one through five here.
Click here for visualization techniques for miles six through 10.
A few other cool resources: The marathon has an awesome-looking app that lets friends and family track you from their smart phones Also, if you’re worried that some of the ouchies you’ve incurred over 26.2 miles might be something more serious than just muscle soreness, the Washington, D.C., physical therapy office Sports and Spinal Physical Therapy is offering free post-Marine Corps Marathon injury clinics. Runners can register for the clinics by contacting SSPT at or 202-463-7611.
Speaking of injuries, it turns out I will not get to see the doctor about my weird, maybe-broken toe before the Marine Corps 10K on Sunday. But for the first time since I whacked my toe, hard, on a planter three and a half weeks ago, I ran yesterday—and it felt OK! The new plan is to jog the race on Sunday, and just see how that goes. I’ve got a doctor appointment next Tuesday, so if anything goes awry on Sunday, at least I’ll be able to attend to it quickly after the fact.
As we approach the weekend of Halloween, the festivities begin. Since the festive holiday falls on a Sunday this year, we get to celebrate all weekend long. Adults will likely party it up both Friday and Saturday nights, while kids will get out there and trick-or-treat. No matter what you plan on doing, there are tons of great ways to get in the Halloween spirit that can be found for free online. Whether you sit back and relax to some Halloween Music, or print out Halloween word searches, and math worksheets for the kids, or want to impress your friends and family with Halloween jokes, sayings, and quotes, the internet can be your number one source.
Instead of having to go out of you way, and head over to a local store to get your fill on Halloween goodness, you can get most of what you need on the internet, and best of all, it’s 100% free. I have provided you a list below with some links to sites which will offer you some great Halloween freebies, to print, or listen to online:
- Free Halloween puzzles, word searches, Rhymes, More: - Free Halloween Math Worksheets: - Free Halloween Music to Download: - Halloween Jokes, Riddles, and sayings: - Halloween quotes, and sayings for kids and adults:
Howard K. Stern was found guilty Friday of two counts of conspiracy for funneling prescription medication to Anna Nicole Smith and there is one person who is pleased with the verdict – Anna Nicole’s mother, Virgie Arthur.
COURT DOCUMENTS: Read The Verdict Forms
Speaking exclusively to, Neil McCabe – who represents Virgie Arthur – says, “Ms. Arthur is not disappointed to see there were convictions today - especially Mr. Stern - and she’s waiting to see what the sentencing will show us.”
Arthur, who made an appearance in court during the course of the trial against the three defendants, was particularly interested in the outcome of Mr. Stern given the history of the pair.
PHOTOS: Anna Nicole Smith’s Doctor Snorting A White Powder
At a press conference following the verdict, Howard K. Stern told reporters on the courthouse steps, “The jury found me not guilty on seven counts - everything related to the appropriateness of the medication, I was acquitted of. Contact my lawyer for any further comments.”
Stern was acquitted of seven other charges and will remain a free man pending appeal.
A Notre Dame student killed Wednesday in a tower collapse tapped out two chilling Twitter posts before his fatal 30-foot plunge.
In the first post, Declan Sullivan, who was perched on a scissor lift to film a Fighting Irish football practice, made a dark joke predicting his horrific fate.
"Gusts of wind up to 60 mph. Well today will be fun at work. I guess I’ve lived long enough," Sullivan wrote at 3:22 p.m., just as practice was getting started, CBS reported.
More than 40-minutes later, the 20-year-old junior from Long Grove, Ill., was frozen with fear as wind-gusts approached 50 mph.
"Holy ---. Holy ---. This is terrifying," Declan wrote.
Around 45 minutes after that post, the tower collapsed, crashing through a fence some 30 feet below and landing on a street that runs between two athletic facilities.
Sullivan died later at South Bend's Memorial Hospital.
The cause of the accident is not known and the school said it is investigating the incident. High winds had forced the team to practice indoors on Tuesday, CBS reported.
Students and faculty at the private Catholic university were left devastated by the tragedy.
University president Rev. John Jenkins was to preside over a memorial mass for Sullivan tonight at 10 p.m.
"No words can convey the shock and grief we all are experiencing," Jenkins said.
President Barack Obama received a raucous welcome from "The Daily Show" audience upon making his entrance, but the show's host pulled no punches when he challenged the president on the audacity of his record during a half-hour interview Wednesday night.
Noting the crowd's reaction to the first chief executive to appear on Comedy Central's satirical news show what it was like to get thunderous appluse just for walking into a room.
"It was a wonderful welcome," Obama joked. "It doesn't happen, for example, when I go to the Republican caucus meeting." After presenting Obama with a special coffee cup -"Mug Force One" - Stewart - whose show is being filmed in D.C. in advance of his October 30 "Rally to Restore Sanity" - immediately heightened the tension in the otherwise friendly encounter by tossing one of the president's signature campaign lines back at him with his first question of the night.
Lakers 2010 championship ring: Lakers put heartfelt touch on ring ceremony. It was a historic moment for the Lakers. They celebrated their victory over the Rockets in style. It appeared that the whole ceremony was scripted. Players were thrilled. Every player has good words for his teammates.
Phil Jackson was seen collecting his ring and saying a few words about Luke Walton. In return Walton accepted his title spoils. He too praised Lamar Odom. Then Odom came in from the bench area. He saluted Ron Artest
and so this went on like this for long. The Lakers displayed rare camaraderie during their celebration ceremony. This year’s celebration was appreciated by all. It was embraceable with Jerry West, Magic Johnson and James Worthy at the front.
The players were in their own world after winning a tough-fought match. Before the start of the season they have established themselves as a group of players who get well on the field and outside too. The Staples Centre floor gave a completely different look. Commissioner David Stern was there to honor the players who made possible for the Lakers.
That doesn’t mean that others were left behind. They too got their share. Coach Phil Jackson was euphoric. He said: "I thought it was unique, I thought it was personal, I thought it was honoring the team. It was a good idea." He credited Tim Harris, the e senior vice president of business operations, for making the even big. Shannon Brown said: "We got a chance to be more personal with what was going on."
He further added: "Show each other that not only do we go out there and play basketball together, but we actually have become a family that gets it done. Everybody knows a lot about everybody, about their personal life and things like that. As much time that we spend together, everybody's not going to have a great day every day.
Somebody's going to come in mad, something's happened the night before, something's going on or whatever-whatever. For us to stay collected and win a championship is a great thing."
Argentine President Nestor Kirchner – the husband of current leader Cristina Fernandez – died suddenly Wednesday after suffering from severe heart trouble, the presidency said.
Kirchner, 60, died after he was rushed in grave condition to the Formenti de Calafate hospital while suffering a severe heart attack, the presidency said.
"It was a sudden death," his personal doctor, Luis Buonomo, told reporters in El Calafate, where Kirchner and his wife had gone to rest and await their turn to be counted in the nation's census. Buonomo said an official medical report would be released later in the day.
He was accompanied at all times by his wife, the presidency said.
Kirchner, 60, had undergone an angioplasty after a heart attack in September, but was still a likely candidate in next year's presidential elections. He also served as secretary general of the South American alliance known as Unasur, as a congressman and as leader of the Peronist party.
The news shocked Argentines.
"A great patriot has died," said Juan Carlos Dante Gullo, a ruling party congressman, to state TV. "This will leave a huge hole in Argentine politics. We will have to follow his example. Argentina has lost one of its greatest men."
The leader of the human rights group Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto, said Kirchner "gave his life for his country."
"Our country needed this man so much. He was indispensable," she told radio Continental.
Jeffrey Landrigan was sentenced to death since 1990, his sentence for the murder of Chester Dyer of Phoenix in a murder that prosecutors say was part of a robbery
Therefore, the drug is approved for use by state authorities for the implementation of this Landrigan, tried by the Supreme Court of the United States. Court further held that the unlawful acquisition of this drug can not be tested against court.California also remained an execution last month, the day the offer is still the drug expired. The shortage has also delayed in the execution of Oklahoma in August and led the governor of Kentucky to postpone the signing of orders for the deaths of two prisoners. The state of Arizona executes convicted murderer Jeffrey Landrigan Tuesday night after the U.S. Supreme Court opened the way for the implementation injection.The lethal place to 10:26 p.m. local time, according to counsel of one official . Landrigan correction “has filed a civil rights last Thursday on the basis of completion violated their constitutional rights to freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and process.On Monday, a judge of the District Court S. U. issued the temporary stay after concluding that the state has not provided enough information to do their part Landrigan case sufficient for the safety and legality of the substances used to kill him.
Landrigan lawyers filed a civil lawsuit Thursday alleging the rights of the scheduled execution violated his constitutional rights to freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and due process. On Monday, Silver has imposed a temporary suspension following the conclusion that the state has not provided sufficient information Landrigan side to sufficiently adequate safety and legality of these substances have been used to kill him.But United States. UU. The Supreme Court overturned the lower court order, saying that “there is no record evidence that the medicine obtained from foreign sources are not secure.
The Jacksonville Jaguars will head into to Dallas to face a Cowboys team without Tony Romo. Tony Romo broke his clavicle on a hit he took from New York Giants linebacker Michael Boley in the first half of the Monday Night Football game. His back up Jon Kitna will likely start against the Jaguars on Sunday.
Read More
Don't celebrate too much, this is a Jaguars defense who's been thrown on by Ryan Fitzpatrick and Matt Cassel, but it certainly favors the Jaguars in the match up.
Lady Gaga and Elton John, who teamed up to open the 52nd Annual Grammys back in January, have collaborated on a new song, "Hello, Hello."
It will appear on the soundtrack for the animated Disney film "Gnomeo and Juliet" (and not on Gaga's upcoming album "Born This Way,") EW's The Music Mix reports.
The film hits theaters February 11th, 2011. Gaga and John performed "Pokerface," "Speechless" and Elton's "Your Song" at the Grammys, and John has since been keen on working with Gaga on new music.
"I'd love to [work with her] in the future," John recently told EW. "There's a chance I might do one track with her [for "Born This Way,"] but it's just, she's so busy, and I'm so busy, we can never get together!"
See Lady Gaga's Wildest Looks
John, who is a producer on "Gnomeo and Juliet," co-wrote the movie's soundtrack with composer James Newton Howard.
He has contributed music to movies before -- most notably with his Oscar-winning "The Lion King" soundtrack -- "Hello, Hello" marks Gaga's first contribution to a film.
Taylor Swift’s voice and whimsical guitar chords summon a gentle breeze and a summer day, and maybe a pony too. But she has her shortcomings and a handful of ungrateful ears. Says my [bahumbug] New Yorker boyfriend of the enchanting Miss Taylor Swift: “If I’d wanted a diabetic sugar high wrapped in a hard shell case, I’d have a blow pop.” Alright, haters. So Taylor Swift may not be riffing guitar solos that rival Santana or writing lyrics that echo the Beatles…Neither is ya boy Jay-Z; give the girl a break.
View The Entire Taylor Swift Speak Now Track List Here!
Taylor Swift has an inarguably deft touch with poetry and sweet harmonies that mesh better than most of today’s synthesized nonsense – Anyway, the chick can sell the ish out of an album.
Speak Now is Taylor Swifts 3rd album and has been one of the most anticipated for 2010. Speak Now, a ref to the wedding adage “Speak now or forever hold your peace,” is wrapped much the same as Taylor’s prior albums: in simple chords and poetic heartbreak. But the similarities, like Swift’s ballads, are superficial. Swift effortlessly gives us revenge, heartache, and endless fairy tale love tied together with ultra sugary pop rock beats, a little like Swift’s 2nd album Fearless. But this time around there is an authenticity, audacity even, to her lyrics. I wouldn’t dare call Speak Now a matured Taylor Swift, but even with juvenile lyrics like “…She’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress,” she is flawless, and it oozes from every track.
Speak Now gives us a glimpse of what the world has done to change Taylor Swift since her last release (2008), complete with a dig at Kanye West in the track Innocent, and a first for Taylor – an apology, in the track Back to December. While everybody hits a series of changes from eighteen to twenty, Taylor Swift has done it classier than most. We know Swift not by coke busts, DUIs, or wardrobe malfunctions, but by enchanting lyrics and poppy sing-along beats. Hate it or love it, you can’t blame Taylor Swift for making a career out of notebook poems. Plus if you tried, she’d definitely write a song and make millions off your hatin’ arse.
Fans are thrilled that the ‘Speak Now’ album has finally arrived. There are some great songs on the record – ‘Dear John’, ‘Better Than Revenge’, ‘Enchanted’, ‘Last Kiss’, and ‘Haunted’, are among fan favorites, but our favorite song written by Taylor Swift is ‘The Story of Us’…Lyrics (links) and video have been included below.
In a very recent interview with MTV Taylor Swift divulged her writing process and the meaning behind the ‘Story of Us’. She went into great detail explaining that the song was written about the awkwardness that tends to take place between two people after they breakup.
It wasn’t too long ago that Swift was at an awards show, where a former flame was also in attendance. As a result of the two being forced to be in the same room at the same time, an uncomfortable situation arose. (Man have I been there!) But, instead of bottling it all in Taylor uses her guitar and voice as a means to release her emotions, and although the situation was ackward at the time, it lead to the creation of a brilliant song. So, kudos to her.
The only details the songstress didn’t reveal in the interview are, which ex the song was written about, and what event spawned the uncomfortable situation. I suppose she wants to keep fans guessing… Who do you think ‘The Story of Us’ is about?
Have you listened to the ‘Speak Now’ album yet? If so, what was your favorite song? Drop us a line in the comment section.
Check out pictures of Swift at the Los Angeles Premiere of ‘Easy A’ held at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood (click on pics to enlarge) and the promised video below.
Back in 2007 the world was introduced to Jennifer Mee, the young girl who could not stop hiccuping. She appeared on the Today show to discuss her condition in which she hiccuped 50 times a minute for five weeks straight until they just eventually went away. It would be annoying, frustrating, and probably painful, but would it be enough to make you go insane?
Maybe. The now 19 year old Jennifer was just charged with murder!
Jenifer and two other girls “allegedly” killed a man while trying to rob him. “Jennifer Mee lured the victim,” to the scene and her friends “robbed him at gunpoint and took miscellaneous items from his person,” says the police report. Then they shot him several times.
Her poor parents. First hiccups and now manslaughter.
Taylor Swift’s new album, Speak Now, has an interesting track list, and we can’t help but wonder if the whole Speak Now track list is an ode to Taylor’s ex-boyfriends. It has been rumored that one song on the Speak Now track list, Back To December, is about her former flame, Twilight hunk, Taylor Lautner. Who are the other songs about?
Here is the official Taylor Swift Speak Now Track List:
1. Mine
2. Sparks Fly
3. Back to December
4. Speak Now
5. Dear John
6. Mean
7. The Story of Us
8. Never Grow Up
9. Enchanted
10. Better Than Revenge
11. Innocent
12. Haunted
13. Last Kiss
14. Long Live
If Taylor Swift’s Speak Now track list is referring to her ex-boyfriends, then I think it’s safe to assume that “Dear John” is meant for John Mayer, even though they never actually dated. Rumor has it that he tried, though.
I must say that I’m curious as to who “Last Kiss” and “Better Than Revenge” are meant for.
One thing’s for sure, Speak Now is an album that many teens will identify with. It’s sure to be another hit for Taylor Swift!
Kanye West's "Runaway" film can be seen in full, with no commercials, above! Below, you can peep the Q&A w/ Sway and a bonus Q&A w/ BET's Rocsi. Stay tuned for more updates (like the newly added explicit version of the film and the 'extended video version' of "Runaway").
Kanye West let loose his new short film "Runaway" in a special broadcast on MTV. "Runaway" is a 35-minute opus starring himself and model Selita Ebanks. In the film, Ebanks plays a phoenix (as in the mythical creature) who crashes to Earth and gets saved by West (who plays a vaguely fictionalized version of himself). The two strike up a relationship that ultimately ends in tragedy. Along the way, the film tosses out all sorts of gorgeously rendered scenes and a handful of mind-bending tracks from West's hotly-anticipated upcoming album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.
In fact, the greatness of the music and the stunning quality of the film (combined with West's back catalog and his previous success in the music video realm) have solidified West as unquestionably the greatest pop star of this generation. His music has appealed to hip-hop fans, pop aficionados and rock enthusiasts alike, and his approach to video, fashion and public image have made him an instantly recognizable and unique singularity. His work is constantly evolving, and he has managed to be good at just about everything he has ever tried. And he has consistently gone out on a limb, attempting things that are way outside of his comfort zone. It's even a little obscene to think about West as a "hip-hop producer" at this point, as while that is certainly the universe that gave him his start, he has evolved way, way past that world.
So take a look at West's "Runaway" and try to keep your jaw off the floor. Whether you like it or not, know that you are witnessing the most important pop star of the current generation. He has managed to take popular music and, just like Michael Jackson, Radiohead and others before him, turn it completely on its head while still bringing the rest of the world along with him.
Back in May we reported the happy news that singer Celine Dion was pregnant with twins, following 6 attempts to conceive via in vitro fertilization. Well now we have even happier news, as it appears that the 42-year old singer has just given birth to premature twin boys.
According to an article at, the boys – who are yet to be named – were delivered by caesarean section at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach in Florida on Saturday, and are both said to be healthy. One weighed in at 5lbs 10ozs, while the other weighed 5lbs and 4ozs.
The medical center said that Dion had originally checked in to the hospital on 16th October as a precaution, to prevent the babies from being delivered too early. Celine’s doctors did want her to stay in hospital until the beginning of November, when she would have been 37 weeks gone.
The couple already has a 9-year old son together, by the name of Rene-Charles. Congratulations to both Celine and Rene.
Check out the first Katy Perry wedding pictures online, with a look at some of Perry and Russell Brand’s Indian wedding photos.' Katy Perry and Russell Brand were married in India over the weekend, with 85 guests in attendance. While Katy Perry wedding pictures have not yet surfaced online of her wedding gown, Perry/Brand wedding photos showing some of the guests are starting to trickle online.
Katy Perry and Russell Brand got engaged at the same location that they held their wedding ceremony. Pretty romantic! Pictures of guests arriving Katy Perry/Russell Brand wedding guests on safari We’ll keep the Katy Perry wedding pictures coming as they’re available online – from her wedding dress, to what the groom wore and more! Katy and Russell released the following statement following their wedding, saying they were “pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Brand on Saturday, October 23. The very private and spiritual ceremony, attended by the couples’ closest family and friends was performed by a Christian minister and longtime friend of the Hudson Family. The backdrop was the inspirational and majestic countryside of Northern India.” 100 paparazzi were on hand to try and capture the first Katy Perry wedding pictures, but their moonlight ceremony and need for privacy at the event kept photogs at bay. No media folks were allowed inside the sacred ceremony, but reports say the wedding involved camels, elephants, horses and dancers were on hand for the event.Yesterday, singer-actress Katy Perry wed boyfriend Russell Brand in a secret wedding ceremony in India. Early reports of the event are stating that it was a Hindu ceremony with both bride and groom dressed in traditional Indian attire. So, where are the photos? So far, no photos of the event have been released, at least just yet. As with other big stars, Perry was able to see to the fact that her wedding was indeed private. The location itself, India, undoubtedly helped keep the news media away. However, that's not top say that some celebrity reporters didn't try to crash the ceremony, though. In fact, one of Brand's bodyguards actually attacked a photographer while the couple was on safari. However, an apology was made and no charges were filed.
However, when it comes to the real news, namely the wedding, the eager public will have to wait for when official photos are released to the media.
At UFC 121 Jake Shields made his long awaited debut in the UFC against Martin Kampmann. What was supposed to set him up for a title shot at Georges St. Pierre instead made that fight look worthless as Shields badly tired and ended up barely squeaking out a split decision win.
Kampmann managed to get out of mount positions and never took any damage but he also
used poor strategy in going for chokes and giving up position. Kampmann also refused to take advantage of chances to get back to distance where he could work his kickboxing game against the exhausted former Strikeforce champion. Shields managed to spend enough time on top working position to convince two judges he had won the fight.
The judges scored the bout 29-28 Kampmann, 30-27 Shields and 29-28 Shields.
The fight with GSP suddenly looks like one that Jake would lose and lose badly without much doubt.This was being billed by some as the greatest heavyweight fight ever in UFC history. The physical phenom in Brock Lesnar was betting his athleticism could overcome his relative inexperience. He was also betting it was too much for the challenger Cain Velasquez to handle - no matter the AKA product's gas tank, no matter his technical superiority.
And technical superiority it was. There wasn't even a mark on Velasquez's face.
While Lesnar was able to execute takedowns and even unload punishment of his own, this night belonged to Cain Velasquez. The idea that where Carwin fell off Cain could continue was true. Cain took his time to finish and that he did.
This is the first combat sports champion of Mexican origin in the heavyweight ranks.
The stoppage was fair. Lesnar turned his back, forcing the referee to stop the fight.
The War on Iraq has revealed many new issues about the United
States Military Officials who had been acting more than warriors on the Iraqi Lands. The Military Soldiers sent by the United States in to the Iraqi Lands had been accused of abusing, torturing, murdering and killings many innocent Iraqi Civilians by the Wikileaks. The creator of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, told the media about all the documents about the behavior of the US soldiers who had landed on the Iraqi Lands towards the Iraqis. Wikileaks was the only platform which revealed this height of shame for the soldiers that has been sent in another Country to maintain peace rather than destroying the lives of thousands of innocent people. The Wikileaks Afghanistan News has become the latest sensation among millions of people now.More than a thousand casualties in Iraq has become the evidence that the presence of the US soldiers in Iraq has become a source of threat to their lives and the number of deaths in Iraqi lands might continue to increase due to their presence. Previously the information given by the Wikileaks Afghanistan news reached more than 77,000 documents which were revealed to the media related to the behavior of the soldiers in the wars years of Iraq. Several assassinations, executions and shootouts have been carried out on Iraqi Lands and most of the deaths are of several civilians who are not even the part of the war. A few more Wikileaks Afghanistan documents will be in front of the people soon in which will count almost fifteen thousand.
Last year ESPN sideline reporter Erin Andrews made headlines around the world after peephole clips and photos were taken from her hotel room.
The man responsible for secretly setting up the camera and taping Andrews was eventually caught and was sentenced to 30 months in jail.
However, the subsequent damage had already been done.
The video, was leaked online (of course) and hundreds if not thousands of blogs and forums reposted the footage and images.
Over the past year Andrew’s laywers have worked diligently requesting website owners to remove the footage and images as they violate Andrews privacy and copy right laws.
Once a cease and desist letter was received, most websites obliged and quickly removed the material.
However, not all website owners took the legal threat seriously.
TheDirty.Com not only refused to remove the video and images from their website, but instead reposted them today.
“Erin Andrews, can you ask your lawyers if this is the post they want me to take down because I am confused?” wrote Hooman Karamaian the owner of who uses the alias Nik Richie. “Welcome back to reality… your fault.- nik.”
Is anyone interested in finding out how to make the most star-studded fight card of 2010 a little more interesting? Well, the Gambling Gods have just released the complete betting lines for tonight’s blockbuster “UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Velasquez” event.
Heavyweight kingpin Brock Lensar puts his title on the line against fast-rising Cain Velasquez in the card’s featured attraction. Although the reigning champ was an early -170 favorite, his odds have leveled off slightly as money appears to be moving on Velasquez’s side of the sand. The powers that be have now pegged the challenger at +125, which means he could be approaching EVEN by the time the cage door slams shut inside the Honda Center in Anaheim, California. There are a lot of good fights tonight and several opportunities to make some money. On the undercard Jon Madsen is a -200 favorite to beat Gilbert Yvel. Yvel has problems with wrestlers and Madsen is one of the best in the division. Look for Madsen to take him down and grind out a decision. In another heavyweight undercard attraction former #1 contender Gabriel Gonzaga is actually a -155 favorite over Brendan Schaub. I feel that the wrong man is favored here. Schaub is younger and a lot more explosive. Gonzaga has been knocked out in the first round in two of his last three fights. Schaub has knockout power and is on a roll. Look for Schaub to via KO in the first or second round. Another intriguing fight pits student, Matt Hamill vs teacher, Tito Ortiz. Hamill is on a roll (if you overlook his DQ win over Jon Jones). Ortiz hasn’t won a fight in four years. Hamill is younger and a lot better wrestler and striker. Ortiz is outclassed and Hamill should win via ground and pound or get a decision win. The only thing that worries me is if Hamill does what he did against former training partner, Rich Franklin. Hamill was tentative and seemed like he didn’t want to fight. But Hamill gets it done and Ortiz gets his walking papers. Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez is hard to call. I think Brock has the size and power to knockout anyone, Cain Velasquez included. At UFC 99 Velasquez was rocked by some huge shots by Cheick Kongo. If Lensar lands shots like that Velasquez goes to sleep. But if the fight goes into rounds 4 and 5 I think Velasquez will win by KO. I wouldn’t put any action on this fight.
I have just finished following the Wikileaks conference live on the internet in which Julian Assange and British lawyers representing Iraqi victims of British
military violence presented the latest leaked documents on the occupation of Iraq by US and UK forces. The material makes for painful reading and its a litany of brutality, lies and killings carried out in the name of American and British democracy. Not least of the shocking revelations is the addition of over 15,000 more Iraqi dead to the official death toll. In addition the documents also bring to light the extensive use of torture by UK forces and the legacy of colonial savagery and racism developed in imperial outposts such as Cyprus, Palestine and Northern Ireland that the British brought to Iraq.
As one contributor said it was hard to ignore the savage racism that allowed interrogators to operate with the the only limitation being that of their own imagination. thousands of people hauled off the streets and traeted in a manner that got Nazi officials long sentences in the Nuremberg war trials
Also what can you say about the murder of a young girl by a British soldier riding a tank as she played in street. What was here crime? What did she do to deserve such a fate? isndie there is a feeling of anger and disgust welling up to think that such crimes against humanity and decency were carried out by in my name. It makes me feel unclean and ashamed.
I have just finished following the Wikileaks conference live on the internet in
which Julian Assange and British lawyers representing Iraqi victims of British
military violence presented the latest leaked documents on the occupation of Iraq by
US and UK forces. The material makes for painful reading and its a litany of brutality, lies and killings carried out in the name of American and British democracy. Not least of the shocking revelations is the addition of over 15,000 more Iraqi dead to the official death toll. In addition the documents also bring to light the extensive use of torture by UK forces and the legacy of colonial savagery and racism developed in imperial outposts such as Cyprus, Palestine and Northern Ireland that the British brought to Iraq.
As one contributor said it was hard to ignore the savage racism that allowed interrogators to operate with the the only limitation being that of their own imagination. thousands of people hauled off the streets and traeted in a manner that got Nazi officials long sentences in the Nuremberg war trials
Also what can you say about the murder of a young girl by a British soldier riding a tank as she played in street. What was here crime? What did she do to deserve such a fate? isndie there is a feeling of anger and disgust welling up to think that such crimes against humanity and decency were carried out by in my name. It makes me feel unclean and ashamed.
When we last left Skye Rotter, played by Lauren McKnight (pictured left), at the end of last year’s MTV movie MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16, she was departing the Roller Dome where a number of her
high-school classmates had been slain by her deranged dad Charlie—leaving her nemesis, Madison Penrose, to die at his hands. In MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16 2, debuting tonight on the cable channel (see review here), we find Skye in search of inner peace and the mother who abandoned her when she was a baby—somewhat heavier dramatic territory than usual for slasher sequels. “She’s been tormented her entire life,” McKnight observes. “She’s had this psycho-killer dad, Madison destroyed her life as a teenager, so that’s where the sympathy for my character comes from. She goes to find her mom, whom she barely even remembers and has a new life, a new family, a new husband, and Skye discovers she has a half-sister she has never met before, Alex. There are still some tender moments in this movie; I mean, Skye’s not a hardened murderer now.”“She’s basically conflicted about the dark side of her genealogy,” says SUPER PSYCHO 2 director Jacob Gentry (pictured with actresses McKnight, right, and Kirsten Prout), also back from the previous movie. “That’s a big conflict for her—is she going to turn out like her dad, or she going to be a new person and find her own identity? No matter how much you can say morally about the fact that she let another girl die, you can see that she’s conflicted about it. You’re so much inside her story and her inner goings-on that even if she makes a bad choice, you’re still along for the ride.”
That ride isn’t all heavy interior drama, of course; there’s another major party to be staged and another round of slashings to stain it with blood, courtesy of Charlie (Alex Van), who tracks Skye down before too long. Writer/producers Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas, while bringing Madison (Julianna Guill) back briefly in ghost/nightmare form, also introduce a new queen-bee teen, Zoe (Stella Maeve), to make trouble for Skye and Alex (Prout). All this added up to an opportunity for Gentry to build a better stalker sequel, one that he was excited to tackle.
“A lot of horror follow-ups introduce a whole new scenario and set of characters and just carry over one element,” he notes, “or, in the case of HALLOWEEN or something like that, they reverse-engineer a relationship that wasn’t present in the first one. We had all these unanswered questions from the original that we were able to play and go further with, and really continue the arc of the story. We had this family saga, and we introduce a whole new element with Alex and her mom and this whole new townful of people. The idea is that if you start at the beginning of the first movie and end with the second one, it’s a nice journey. Over the two of them, we have a really good story arc.
“Plus, we raised the ante on everything: the drama, the comedy, the suspense—and the gore,” he continues. “We definitely tried to raise the bar in terms of the thrills and the suspense leading up to the violence, which we wanted to make creative and fun; it’s almost like pop violence. There are some brutal moments, but it’s all within the context of the story.” Apparently Standards and Practices agreed, as MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16 2 contains some pretty splatterific moments for a basic cable program. “It’s been pretty great” dealing with S&P, Gentry says. “We thought they were going to be very conservative in terms of that stuff, and we were able to push it all the way and were surprised at how much we could do. I think we got away with a lot more because, again, it works within the story. You’re connected with the characters and what they’re going through, so it’s more effective. It’s not just about coming up with some quirky way of killing somebody and then shoehorning it into the movie.”
The victim of a fatal shark attack cried out for help as a shark bit into his leg and then drug him under water, about a 100 yards from Surf Beach at Vandenberg Air Force Base, on Friday morning. [MSNBS]
Lucas Ransom, a 19-year-old University of California, Santa Barbara student, and his friend Matthew Garcia were boogie boarding in the surf line when the shark attacked Ransom without warning. “When the shark hit him, he just said, ‘Help me, dude!’ He knew what was going on,” Garcia told
Lucas Ransom the AP. “It was really fast. You just saw a red wave and this water is blue — as blue as it could ever be — and it was just red, the whole wave. Even the barrel was red.” Garcia spotted Ransom’s red body board, which was attached to Ransom by a cord, and swam to his friend. He did chest compressions as he brought him to shore. “He was just floating in the water. I flipped him over on his back and underhooked his arms. I was pressing on his chest and doing rescue breathing in the water,” Garcia said. “He was just kind of lifeless, just dead weight.” Ransom died a short time later at Surf Beach. The UCSB student is from Romoland in Riverside County. All three beaches at Vandenberg Air Force Base have been shut down for 72 hours.
After watching Bill O’Reilly lead an hour of NPR-bashing on Fox News Thursday night, it’s tempting to say that the right’s reaction to the Juan Williams firing is just a tad overblown.
But it’s not. This was a blunder of enormous proportions. Even many liberals—Donna Brazile, Joan Walsh, Whoopi Goldberg—are castigating National Public Radio for throwing Williams overboard.
NPR Chief Executive Vivian Schiller—dubbed a “pinhead” by O’Reilly—made matters
worse by suggesting that Williams needs psychiatric attention. She later apologized. John Boehner, who may well be the next House Speaker, told National Review that it’s “reasonable to ask why Congress is spending taxpayers’ money to support a left-wing radio network.”
And in a triumph of awful timing, yesterday was the day that NPR announced a new grant—$1.8 million from liberal philanthropist George Soros to hire 100 new reporters. No news organization should accept that kind of check from a committed ideologue of any stripe. Even if every journalist hired with the cash from Soros’ foundation is fair and balanced, to coin a phrase, the perception is terrible. (This New York Times story didn’t even mention Soros’ liberal views. The guy just gave a million bucks to Media Matters. Hello?) Oh, and NPR is in the midst of a fundraising drive. Good luck with that. Even Sarah Palin, who’s also on the Fox payroll, has gotten into the act, tweeting: “NPR defends First Amendment Right, but will fire u if u exercise it. Juan Williams: u got taste of Left’s hypocrisy, they screwed up firing you.” There are plenty of opinions flying around about NPR's decision to fire Juan Williams. The Washington Post editorialized against NPR's decision, arguing in part that Williams "undoubtedly spoke for many Americans who are wrestling with similar feelings" about seeing Muslims in airports. (Williams was worried primarily about those in "Muslim garb.") Former Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, now at the Daily Beast website, called it a "blunder of enormous proportions."
The 2010 Head of The Charles Regatta will be held this weekend (October 23-24) for the 46th year.
Ever since 1965, rowers from around the world come to the Charles River in Massachusetts to be part of the largest regatta in the world. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, “regatta” simply means “boat race”. The Head of the Charles Regatta, isn’t just your normal boat race though. It is a race of row boats, close to 2,000 of them.
Every year almost 9,000 rowers take part in the Head of Charles race. Those athletes race about 1,750 boats in 56 different events. Each and every year, the attendance of onlookers approach 300,000 people.
The races will be taking place in the Charles River which is between the cities of Boston and Cambridge in Massachusetts. The course is 3.2 miles long and goes from the DeWolfe Boathouse to just after the Eliot Bridge.
There is a lot more to do than just watch or participate in the races. There is an area in the middle of the coarse called “Reunion Village” which is a relaxing place to sit, talk to your friends, and grab a beer. It is the only place where alcohol will be served at the Head of the Charles race. There will be free giveaways from sponsors, Olympic level rowers, and much more. Racers range in age from 14 – 85.
If you attend the event, you are sure to have a good time.It’s so easy to forget. To forget the joy of wind at your feet or the force of an oar through water. When our pursuit of excellence becomes more urgent than our pursuit of happiness, it can be so easy to lose sight of the reasons we picked up our sport in the first place.
It’s so easy to forget, but thanks to my good friend Alex Kuschner, I never had to.
Alex’s rowing career at, and after, Radcliffe has proven to me that the greatest rewards for hard work can’t be recorded in an Excel spreadsheet or written in a resume.
This weekend Alex will be rowing in her first-ever Head of the Charles in the Alumnae Eight, and I can’t think of anyone who better exemplifies the unfailing dedication to a team and genuine love of the sport that the regatta stands for. is reporting that Los Angeles Lakers star Sasha Vujacic proposed to his
girlfriend/tennis star Maria Sharapova on Tuesday at his home in Manhattan Beach.
She said yes and has apparently been sporting an expensive engagement ring. More details coming soon! What's going on this week? First it was Shannon and Monica now it looks like TMZ is reporting that Sasha Vujacic and Tennis superstar Maria Sharapova are now engaged!
TMZ reports that the ring he used to propose to Maria on Tuesday night is comprable to one of the large championship rings Kobe rocks around all the time!
This is crazy! Life is great as a Laker! Former World No. 1 Russian tennis player, Maria Sharapova is engaged to her beau Los Angeles Lakers guard Sasha Vujacic. Sasha confirmed the news by saying that he proposed her for marriage recently and her reply was ‘yes’.
Sasha Vujacic said on Thursday, “We are engaged and are both really happy. It's good and now we can focus on other things.”
Meanwhile, the agent of 2004 Wimbledon champion also confirmed the news through an email to a news agency.
Vujacic revealed that he proposed to the star on one-year anniversary of their first meeting at a friend's barbecue.
He said, “It's was probably old school. I had to do it like a gentlemen.”
However, the wedding date has not yet been finalised.
Sharapova made her professional breakthrough in 2004 when, at age 17, she upset two-time defending champion and top seed Serena Williams in the 2004 Wimbledon final for her first Grand Slam singles title. Sharapova is currently ranked 18th.
On the other hand, Sasha Vujacic is a Slovenian basketball player of Serbian descent who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. He is also known as "The Machine". Though he has played the point guard position in Europe, he has found more playing time at the shooting guard spot in the Lakers' triangle offense.
sudden outbreak of a diarrhoeal disease suspected to be cholera has killed at least 150 people north of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, UN officials said Friday. According to an official with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the latest figures from the World Health Organisation (WHO) showed 150 people died after suffering from acute diarrhoea and vomiting. The WHO - which said it was sending specialists to the country - was informed by Haitian health officials that 1,526 people had fallen ill in the affected area outside the capital. cholera outbreak
Hundreds of people received treatment in the car park of a hospital in Saint-
Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake in January, which claimed more than 220,000 lives and left 1.5 million homeless. Aid agencies and health officials have been closely monitoring for outbreaks of water-borne diseases like cholera, which is considered to be immediate health risk but can be treated through rehydration.
Soy tu dueña es una telenovela mexicana producida por Nicandro Díaz para Televisa, es transmitida por El Canal de las Estrellas desde el 19 de abril del 2010 reemplazando a la telenovela Corazón salvaje. Esta telenovela es una remake de La dueña, del año 1995. Esta protagonizada por Lucero, Fernando Colunga con los primeros actores Silvia Pinal, Sergio Goyri y la participación antagónica de Gabriela Spanic en su regreso a Televisa y David Zepeda.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the Jersey Shore cast is the centerpiece of one of the most successful television shows MTV has ever seen. That’s why the news that the show
Deanna Favre appeared on "Good Morning America" Thursday as scheduled, and deftly avoided questions about the Brett Favre-Jenn Sterger sexting scandal.
She appeared on the show to promote her latest book, "The Cure for the Chronic Life: Overcoming the Hopelessness That Holds You Back," and referred back to the book whenever the show's hosts asked about her husband.
Deanna Favre wouldn't "go into anything personal," but intimated that faith, "has gotten me through many difficult struggles. It will get me through this one, and that's the reason Shane [Stanford, the book's co-author] and I wrote the book ..."
She later appeared on "FOX & Friends" and pointed to her past struggles with breast cancer and the death of her brother as examples of her resiliency, saying, "I think I'm a survivor. If I can get through that, I can get through anything."
Both appearances were scheduled before her husband's scandal came to light.
Below, watch a clip from Deanna on "Fox & Friends."
According to the Associated Press, Indianapolis Colts’ tight end Dallas Clark will be out indefinitely with a hand/wrist injury that occurred during the team’s win over the Washington Redskins on Sunday Night, 27-24.
The length of the Pro Bowler’s absence will be determined.
“He’s being evaluated,” Colts coach Jim Caldwell said Wednesday when asked about Clark’s injury.
Clark looks to get a second, also possibly a third, opinion on whether he can play or not. The decision for Clark will be made on Thursday. Surgery is a possible option for the tight end.
The Colts signed tight end Gijon Robinson in the meantime, a player who was cut by the Colts earlier this season.Dallas Clark May Be Out Indefinitely FanHouse INDIANAPOLIS -- The Indianapolis Colts' difficult injury situation appears to be getting worse with the news that tight end Dallas Clark may be out indefinitely. Clark, a 2009 Pro Bowl selection, is expected to be out indefinitely with a hand/wrist ... Dallas Clark Out 'Indefinitely' With Wrist InjurySB Nation Sources: Indianapolis Colts' Dallas Clark out indefinitely with hand/wrist injuryESPN Dallas Clark: Out Indefinitely With Hand/Wrist InjuryRotowire NFL GridIron Gab -Fox 59 all 16 news articles »
I'm well rested this morning. I can't say the same for the folks who just hit midnight screenings of "Paranormal Activity 2" and then likely struggled to get some shut-eye as freaky images fluttered through their minds until daybreak. I'll be seeing the sequel to last year's breakout horror hit — and most profitable movie of all time — at the comparatively sane hour of 9 p.m. this evening (we'll see if and when I'll be able to fall asleep afterwards). As I prepare myself for the event, I've been taking a look at what the brave souls at those midnight screenings had to say about the flick (beware of mild spoilers below). The Story, Part I
"The film's central protagonist is the sister of the first 'Paranormal Activity''s hapless Katie (actress Katie Featherston). A young mom with a husband, a stepdaughter (from a previous marriage, which ended in his wife's death), and a baby, she's played by the adorable Sprague Grayden of TV's 'Jericho.' Grayden, with her fair skin and bright eyes, bears more than a passing resemblance to Featherston, which helps with our suspension of disbelief and adds to the casual, documentary-filmmaking style that 'Paranormal Activity 2' shares with its predecessor." — Joseph McCabe, FEARnet The Story, Part II "Soon after we've established the home layout and family relationships of this new family, Katie shows up, and we immediately remember how, um, unwell she looked the last time we saw her. ... For the first time, we realize that 'Paranormal Activity 2' is a prequel, and that at this point in time (still 2006, the same year that Katie and Micah were terrorized), none of the things we saw in 'Paranormal Activity' have happened. ... Not to ruin anything (closest thing to a true SPOILER, coming up), but at one point in the story, the action shifts to a post-'Paranormal Activity' timeframe, and that is something you do not want to miss if you loved the first movie. — Capone, Ain't It Cool News The Direction "Director Tod Williams takes the original structure to a new level. While the idea of using security cameras is not necessarily new, it may help the viewing experience of those who tire of the shaky-cam easily. The story this time around feels more complete and therefore, there is much more at stake." — Jimmy O, The Comparison to the Original, Part I "'PA2' works best in those overnight security camera moments, just like the original — Night #1, Night #12, Night #15. As soon as the world is seen from those familiar angles, my heart started racing and my eyes started scanning the scream for anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes, it's something simple like a falling frying pan or a moving door or a shadow cast from an unseen source. Other times, it's far worse. In most ways, 'Paranormal Activity 2' exceeds the scares of the first film, and does so without resorting to easy special effects or growing the plot outside of the home.' — Capone, Ain't It Cool News The Comparison to the Original, Part II "Penned by Michael R. Perry, 'Paranormal Activity 2' stays true to the first film's mythology created by [Oren] Peli. The demon's arrival and actions are consistent with the first, which may or may not hinder your 'shock' experience. Those familiar with 'PA' will feel almost at home waiting for creeks, booms and giant pops. ... The biggest disappointment for me was that it wasn't a superior film. I expected things to escalate to a higher degree, like any sequel would, but I can't help but commend the production team for doing only what was necessary to make the sequel work. 'Paranormal Activity 2' literally is the sexy twin sister of 'Paranormal Activity'; they look slightly different, have a few variant birthmarks, and carry their own personalities — but neither one is better than the other. In fact, they're tonally so similar that when the film ended I joked about republishing my initial review for the sequel." — Brad Miska, Bloody Disgusting The Bottom Line "It goes without saying that 'Paranormal Activity 2' won't win over any new fans. If the first film didn't do anything for you, neither will this one. But if you felt the effects last time, if you hesitated before turning off the light or felt nervous in a room by yourself, prepare to feel the same again. This is a rare sequel that complements and enhances the original without betraying the elements that made it work in the first place, and watched back-to-back, it's the perfect one-two punch of creepy excellence. Every creak and groan in your house becomes suspect, and going to sleep is that much harder. Believe it, folks; lightning can indeed strike twice, and this flick will h
Shawn Johnson, an 18-year-old all-American Olympic heroine, is attempting an almost impossible comeback - to overcome a career-threatening injury and win gold at London 2012.
At the age of 16, she won a gymnastics gold in Beijing and has become one of America's biggest celebrities but her world was turned upside down following a potentially career-ending skiing injury. She told the BBC's Claire Marshall how she must now shun the celebrity limelight and fight for her dream of more Olympic glory. All five General Sessions Court judges have recused themselves in the case in which Stacy Johnson, principal at East Lake Elementary School, is facing domestic assault charges. The judges cited the fact that the charge is that she kicked her husband, County Justice Coordinator Shawn Johnson. Mr. Johnson was court administrator in General Sessions Court for five years.ion was taken against the principal by the county schools in relation to the Sept. 28 incident. In the incident at the couple's home on Little Bend Road on Signal Mountain, Ms. Johnson allegedly kicked her husband in the right leg. Mr. Johnson told an officer that he and his wife are going through a divorce and had been arguing about some custody issues.